125 Aniversario

Members' private area

Txema Garay y Ramón Roteta con dos grandes cazuelas de marmitako.

En el año 1992, una conocida ciudadana de la Parte Vieja, Amaya Bontigui, promovió un acto para recordar los tristes acontecimientos que dieron lugar al incendio y saqueo de la ciudad en 1813. Esa acción de Amaya ha tenido continuidad y en la conmemoración del pasado jueves día 31, el evento adquirió una gran dimensión, contó con numerosos protagonistas, pertenecientes a sociedades populares de la ciudad y otras entidades, además donostiarras que quisieron revivir el momento y sorprendidos visitantes que quizás no entendían lo que estaba sucediendo.

In 1992, a drum parade took part, which now has more than 150 drummers. That parade was organized by the Kañoyetan society, which has been inviting other drum parades to participate in the event over these 31 years.

For Kañoyetan, August 31 is a day of remembrance that the society experiences as it deserves. Therefore, after the events ended at 9:30 PM, they organized a dinner attended by drummers and other participants in the activities.

And for an occasion like this, what could be better than having the great chef Ramón Roteta in the kitchen, who prepared a delicious and carefully crafted menu with the help of fellow member Txema Garay. Ramón explained the preparation of the dishes, highlighting their numerous components and how they were made. It was a perfect, simple and exquisite menu. To start, he prepared a cold zucchini cream, followed by marmitako, and for dessert, mamia. The chefs received high praise.

The event was coordinated by the society's president, Fernando Blanco, and the vice president, Miguel Setien. Along with them were the Chief Drummer, Jon Manterola; the barrel chief, Iñigo Martínez and Miryam Bastarrica, Elena Beristain, Marta Altuna, Txema Montero, Silvia Gay, Alejandro Elizalde, Aitor Llanos, Igor Iriarte, Iñaki Pujol, Gabi Marzalo, Jon Goikoetxea, Xua Fernández, Conchita Irigoyen, Eugenio Zapirain, Mª José Lorenzo, Eugenio Ruíz de Azua, Juan Luis Jiménez, and Marian Garaikoetxea, as well as Juan Mari Crespo and Cristina Arce.

Other attendees at the Kañoyetan gathering were Iker Ciruelo and Olatz Blanco; Ramón Arrue; the siblings Alfonso and Marta Irigoyen, along with their son Odei Elola and Irune Mujika; and the boatmen from the La Concha Regattas: Pedro Losa, Andoni Jareño, Manex Agirre, and Iñigo Otaegui.